Journal Information

Articles in press

Articles in press are accepted, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI. More info

The role of conservative treatment in esophageal perforation caused by the ingestion of a blister pack: A case report and literature review
J.P. Pérez-Macías, M.E. Ramírez-Solís, A.Y. Ortega-Caballero, A.I. Hernández-Guerrero, E.F. Marquez-Bornio
Full text access
Available online 2 December 2024
Response to Fidanza-Hernández regarding the letter to the editor Pediatric acute pancreatitis: Etiologic comparison between Latin America and Asia
Y. Rivera-Suazo, R. Vázquez-Frias
Full text access
Available online 6 September 2023
Revista de Gastroenterología de México
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